
“ I am Wind in his Hair! Do you see that I am not afraid of you?” These are the words of the brave fighter, Wind in his Hair. A Native
American from the northern frontier, only knows the meaning of fight, bravery and protection. Later, he finds out the meaning of friendship, and respect.
Whenever you first meet face to face with Wind in his Hair, pray that he does not attack. He takes even breathing as a threat. So watch out! His famous attitude takes a long, changing journey and realizes new things he never thought he would learn. Wind in his Hair is one of those people that are natural, born fighters and think that violence is always the answer. This journey began with the fear not shown, by wind in his Hair, when a soldier by the name of, John Dunbar, came into the picture. Wind in his Hair, with his sense of danger, immediately disliked and threatened the soldier. This later, followed by the longest part of his life changing journey, the wait. With this wait the new Wind in his Hair was born. He had not lost all of what he was before but he gained more knowledge then what he came with. Not only from his culture, but the white.
The culture of these Natives are so pure. They do have their flaws, but they carry more pride on their shoulders then they do hate. The way they fight is as one unit, one behind the other. The first on fails, next one attacks, the last one helps the failed. To them, the sight of dead buffalo, or in their words, Tatanka, means the starvation has begun. Death has followed their footsteps. Yet, they do not give up so easily and continue on to their winter home. Wind in his Hair has the passion of a true warrior, but
his taste in leadership are not so good for the tribe. He has been placed in the front row, you may say, to learn a thing or two.
His life changing journey must come to an end when his friend, not enemy, John Dunbar leaves with on of their own. The way that he makes his respect and friendship show towards this, once a stranger, shocks people from the inside. The world never saw it coming...
“I am Wind In His Hair...Can you not see that I am your friend? Can you not see that you will always be my friend? Dances With Wolves...Dances With Wolves...”
Is it okay?(:

May 17:
American from the northern frontier, only knows the meaning of fight, bravery and protection. Later, he finds out the meaning of friendship, and respect.
Whenever you first meet face to face with Wind in his Hair, pray that he does not attack. He takes even breathing as a threat. So watch out! His famous attitude takes a long, changing journey and realizes new things he never thought he would learn. Wind in his Hair is one of those people that are natural, born fighters and think that violence is always the answer. This journey began with the fear not shown, by wind in his Hair, when a soldier by the name of, John Dunbaer, came into the picture. Wind in his Hair, with his sense of danger, immediately disliked and threatened the soldier. This later, followed by the longest part of his life changing journey, the wait. With this wait the new Wind in his Hair was born. He had not lost all of what he was before but he gained more knowledge then what he came with. Not only from his culture, but the white."
I think it's okay but ehh...

May 10/May 11:


May 7
Later, after that we went towards the beach, but we ate first, then walked over to it. Ah, it was so peaceful. The waves were low, and making there music. Almost made me want to "be left behind." We all had a fun time walking around the sand, learning about the shells, the relatives of the jelly fish, and the shrimp that hide in the muddy sand. This was by far the best field trip ever. I guess the only one because high school doesn't give too many. I enjoyed it with my friends.
This is not really school related AT ALL, but i had the best weekend EVERRRRRR! Right after school, on April 30th, a Friday, i got home, changed, and left right away with my friend Cristian to the HIM concert! AWESOME! Then on Saturday, my boyfriend made a surprise visit, and we went to the movies...and yesterday, Sunday May 2nd I rested.
Today, here in school, I am going to be sitting by myself at lunch. The reason being is that both my lunch buddies: Jesus and Eduardo, have gone a field trip to Rice. D:
But tomorrow I'm going to leave them alone >:D
I am going to Galveston for an Aquatic Science Field trip. My mom was being really, ehh, about letting me go. She really does not trust "the ocean." But i mean, we have a teacher, and like 23 students. What could go wrong? Just pay attention to the teacher.
(Here's a little secret...*I don't know how to swim*) :o
1- World History
2- Geometry
3- English I
4- Aquatic Science
5- Web Master
6- Speech
7- English II
8- Art II

Today, for me hasn't even started. Yet, i have a slight idea of what will go down. It's a B-day, and i have the following classes: Web Master, Speech, English II(hate it!), and Art II. So, anyways, in Web Master I'm typing this, in Speech, now in speech, we are going to be looking up a person that WE think should belong on the front page of TIME magazine. I really haven't thought of anyone that has impacted my life... Mrs. Joyce DID say that it did not have to be a real person, but then again it does. For example, it could be a fictional character such as Harry Potter, or Bat Man (not the cartoon one), get what I am saying? So, i have been thinking in writing about Wind In His Hair, or also known as, Rodney Grant. His character in Dances With Wolves, is very inspiring! I have to say that that would have to be one of my most FAVORITE movies of all time! Then in English two, ugh, i really hate that class, we are reading Pride and Prejudice, or something like that. It's a very boring book and i haven't even passed the first page! But, we might continue on our Etiquette research :D it's very interesting, and WAY different from how we act today.
April 23:
So, yet again today is a B-day, and yet again I'm in Web Master...I know this is supposed to be school related but in soooooo excited for what I am going to do after school. Well, i guess i am also excited for something that is school related, speech. Today! we finally start our research project on the one person we look up to. I, honestly, don't know who I will write about. I am still thinking about Wind In His Hair. But I'm not sure. What do you think??